
Prečo by ste si NIKDY nemali ustlať posteľ hneď ráno: Šokujúci dôvod od lekára

Zdroj: Pexels/Ksenia Chernaya, Flickr/Gilles San Martin

Reakcie na TikToku

Reakcie na Dr. Mehzera boli zmiešané. Niektorí diváci boli nadšení a tvrdili, že konečne majú ospravedlnenie pre svoju lenivosť. „Som rád, že som lenivý, aj tak si posteľ nikdy nerobím,“ napísal jeden používateľ. Ďalší dodal: „Vedel som, že existuje dôvod, prečo si prirodzene nechcem ustielať posteľ.

Na druhej strane však boli aj diváci, ktorí mali iný názor. „Robenie postele ma udržuje pri zmysloch,“ napísal jeden užívateľ. Ďalší komentoval: „Moje OCD to neumožňuje.

@drsermedmezher They Feast On Us 🤢 #bed. High Humidity: Dust mites thrive in environments with high humidity, typically between 70-80%. They absorb water from the air, making moist conditions ideal for their survival and reproduction. Indoor Settings: Common household environments like bedrooms, living rooms, and bathrooms often provide the warmth and moisture that dust mites need. Bedding, upholstered furniture, and carpets are particularly favorable habitats. Nutrient Sources: Human Skin Cells: Dust mites feed primarily on dead skin cells shed by humans and pets. Since people spend a significant amount of time in their homes, especially in their beds, these areas become rich feeding grounds for mites. Other Organic Matter: They also consume other organic materials found in dust, such as pollen, fungi, and bacteria. Allergy Triggers Allergenic Proteins: Fecal Matter and Body Fragments: Dust mites produce waste products and shed body fragments that contain potent allergenic proteins. These proteins can become airborne and inhaled, triggering allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Enzymes: The enzymes in dust mite feces, such as Der p 1 and Der f 1, break down proteins in human skin cells, aiding digestion. These enzymes are significant allergens #allergy #hygiene ♬ Storytelling – Adriel

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